Monday, January 25, 2010

January Confessions

1. I hate cooked celery. This is a rather new occurrence.
2. I'm obsessed with cherry pie filling. Odd, since as much as I love cherries, I'm not big on cherry flavored things.
3. It's been a really hard winter and I'm getting up the nerve to tell my parents I'm moving to California hopefully before next winter, and trying to get the nerve to tell them why.


  1. Hooray for moving to California! It will be nice to see your body in the same place as your heart.

  2. yeah for making decisions to make yourself happy!!!

    Cherry pie filling is da bomb...just sayin.

    Cooked Cellery? You actually cook it? I just slather it with P.B. and that's it. I prefer my vegetables crunchy. :)

  3. I love celery. Cooked or raw. Just not in between. Steamed veggies bother me...

    Cherry pie filling is so scrumptious, though it makes me long for the days there were local cherries to make your own...

    And I don't know enough of the who/what/why/when/where to comment on the California thing, but hooray for warmer climates, independence, and loving and understanding parents!
